July 23, 2021 - The Anti-Slowmotion day for TMUF
On 23 July, a major change could be seen in the Trackmania United Forever leaderboards. Over 5 thousand records were removed after an anti-cheat wave by Nadeo. The records were removed during 22 July, but they have been publically updated on the next day. It was possible to extract the leaderboard data from 23rd and the day before using some simple reverse engineering techniques.
- Disclaimer
- Transparency
- 5 842+ records have been removed
- Data accuracy in the next results
- Logins with removed records within Top 10 world
- Remaining records of these logins within Top 10 world
- Maps with the most removed records within Top 10 world
- Unaffected maps within Top 10 world
- Data accuracy reminder
- Conclusion
The point of this report is to share changes that have happened to the leaderboards, not to call out people as cheaters. I'm not the one to judge that someone is cheating. Please, do not witchhunt the nicknames mentioned.
I used Fiddler 4 to look through the HTTP requests the game does to get the leaderboard data. The game
communicates with the server by using the XML-RPC protocol. Basically, the client sends some conventional XML
to server and the server returns some conventional XML back. The request name for the leaderboard data is
. Once proper arguments are assigned, this will then return the URL of
the downloadable leaderboard data. The format of the URL looks something like this (must be http, not https):
[number] - The ID of the score set. This number can be between 1 and 7:
1-6: active sets that loop around and update.
That means you can access the leaderboards up to 5 days back, right now.
As an example, these are the last modified dates taken from 15 July:
- scores1 - 07/12/2021
- scores2 - 07/13/2021
- scores3 - 07/14/2021
- scores4 - 07/15/2021
- scores5 - 07/10/2021
- scores6 - 07/11/2021
- scores7: Special case! This is an inactive set of records from 04/12/2008. Check how the leaderboards looked back then!
1-6: active sets that loop around and update.
That means you can access the leaderboards up to 5 days back, right now.
As an example, these are the last modified dates taken from 15 July:
[campaign] - The official name of the campaign without spaces. Possible ones are:
- UnitedRace
- UnitedPuzzle
- UnitedPlatform
- UnitedStunts
- Nations
- ManiaStar (StarTrack)
- [zone] - The zone ID to focus on. Based on this, you will always get the World leaderboard + other leaderboards that lead to your zone. You can only use the liveable zone ID (the one you select in game). The values are unpredictable, but I managed to export all of the IDs for each zone.
These URL endpoints are updated every day throughout the night in a loop I mentioned above. They start updating at 2:40 UTC from Japan and stop updating at around 8:13 UTC in China.
The content of the leaderboards file is compressed with gzip and contains binary data that can be read like this. It contains all map UIDs of the campaign. For each map: Up to 4 or 5 leaderboards based on the zone ID, always including the World leaderboard. For each zone leaderboard: Top 10 records with rank, time, login, and nickname. Then, a list of all times driven on the track without login or nickname used to calculate the number of skillpoints. The total amount of records for each map can be calculated with this data. Replay URLs aren't available in these leaderboards. They are protected by authentication and cost 5 coppers each. And my United account doesn't have that many coppers to just download everything. Take that also into consideration of the results below - no replay files were investigated. I also tried to extract the replay URL format, but the URL is unpredictable and, just random (X are purely random numbers):
For the report, I used before.zip (from July 22) and after.zip
(from July 23), containing all of the official campaign GZ files, available in scores5
from July 22-27 and in scores6
from July 23-28.
The 'before' leaderboards contain data from China, 浙江 ~8:13 UTC and the 'after' leaderboards contain data from Japan ~2:40 UTC
to have the smallest possible gap and increase the accuracy (practically it isn't anything different, see before_japan.zip).
To assign map names to the map UIDs, a maps.json was pre-generated.
The website generates all of the data on the fly when started. Only the files mentioned above were used to generate the result.
Libraries used
Full source code is available here.
5 842+ records have been removed
And on 100% it's way more. The amount of records is possibly over 6 thousand, because of the players driving official times at that day. But this is the statistical result of calculating the total record count of all campaigns on July 23, subtracted from the result of July 22.
Data accuracy in the next results
The following results were calculated by only using the top 10 world leaderboards. It is the best suitable leaderboard zone for this report because it affects everyone who hunted the world records. I have extracted all of the other zones for future investigations, but these haven't been counted for now.
Logins with removed records within Top 10 world skip
There are some expected and unexpected results. You can click on the maps to get the leaderboards before and after. JSON
51 logins have been affected by the wave.
19 logins have been completely removed.
Player | Removed from maps | Before | After |
Law¬тєснηо. STIHL279/365 (76.44 %) removed records |
Nordavind DNB | riolu!231/243 (95.06 %) removed records |
Most Valuable Player127/128 (99.22 %) removed records |
Vins111/135 (82.22 %) removed records |
Neko61/109 (55.96 %) removed records |
59/60 (98.33 %) removed records |
LeG〢Schmaniol20/76 (26.32 %) removed records(records removed voluntarily) |
Z17/26 (65.38 %) removed records |
» мołηαя Dαηιєł «17/29 (58.62 %) removed records |
драго10/10 (100.00 %) removed records |
Сนряа8/8 (100.00 %) removed records |
Over8/8 (100.00 %) removed records |
PlastoToTheFucking rex7/67 (10.45 %) removed records(older replays driven by Techno) |
הѕс ¬ Ѕтерн6/22 (27.27 %) removed records |
92BOB6/60 (10.00 %) removed records |
« Will B6/10 (60.00 %) removed records |
Dunno|ѕтух. STIHL5/5 (100.00 %) removed records |
»мєс¬ spedzo5/6 (83.33 %) removed records |
Ŀĸя ¬Ķƒ.yuukoru4/5 (80.00 %) removed records |
єΙєстяо4/5 (80.00 %) removed records |
dr.B4/9 (44.44 %) removed records |
risulka123454/6 (66.67 %) removed records |
厶$mア»20+Runner〢sv3/14 (21.43 %) removed records |
νѕρ. Danilo sigN3/4 (75.00 %) removed records |
Crucial3/3 (100.00 %) removed records |
ғฟ๏. Ðrew #mot3/3 (100.00 %) removed records |
GPO. Complete3/3 (100.00 %) removed records |
הѕс» kidmadsi «Јғғ2/25 (8.00 %) removed records |
Lukash :D2/2 (100.00 %) removed records |
»TaC«ゐΐαblѻ2/5 (40.00 %) removed records |
blue2/2 (100.00 %) removed records |
Nakini2/2 (100.00 %) removed records |
Lαυяeиš2/10 (20.00 %) removed records |
CØC - Sexmania RIP :'(2/2 (100.00 %) removed records |
#U.1.L. Constantin1/5 (20.00 %) removed records |
pulse . Shanks .!1/4 (25.00 %) removed records |
expert / JaviFlyer1/9 (11.11 %) removed records(claims false positive) |
ρøLǿйѳのΘ1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
вωѕт» MkN.1/46 (2.17 %) removed records |
leandagu'1/6 (16.67 %) removed records |
Ťfς -|:::» Mizu1/26 (3.85 %) removed records(claims false positive) |
nec1/2 (50.00 %) removed records |
SYN.Doc_Me4ik1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
Geri1/7 (14.29 %) removed records |
CMC Maro*1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
DBZ l Stargirl #not1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
exÐ| Bladee1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
graffix.exe1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
Spee:D1/2 (50.00 %) removed records |
Karlov. 2FastForu1/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
Șмοκе 〤 ה°941/1 (100.00 %) removed records |
Remaining records of these logins within Top 10 world skip
Calculated by taking the affected records and substracting them from all records from before.
Player | Remained on maps | Before | After |
Most Valuable Player1/128 (0.78 %)remaining records on maps |
1/60 (1.67 %)remaining records on maps |
Nordavind DNB | riolu!12/243 (4.94 %)remaining records on maps |
»мєс¬ spedzo1/6 (16.67 %)remaining records on maps |
Vins24/135 (17.78 %)remaining records on maps |
Ŀĸя ¬Ķƒ.yuukoru1/5 (20.00 %)remaining records on maps |
єΙєстяо1/5 (20.00 %)remaining records on maps |
Law¬тєснηо. STIHL86/365 (23.56 %)remaining records on maps |
νѕρ. Danilo sigN1/4 (25.00 %)remaining records on maps |
risulka123452/6 (33.33 %)remaining records on maps |
Z9/26 (34.62 %)remaining records on maps |
« Will B4/10 (40.00 %)remaining records on maps |
» мołηαя Dαηιєł «12/29 (41.38 %)remaining records on maps |
Neko48/109 (44.04 %)remaining records on maps |
nec1/2 (50.00 %)remaining records on maps |
Spee:D1/2 (50.00 %)remaining records on maps |
dr.B5/9 (55.56 %)remaining records on maps |
»TaC«ゐΐαblѻ3/5 (60.00 %)remaining records on maps |
הѕс ¬ Ѕтерн16/22 (72.73 %)remaining records on maps |
LeG〢Schmaniol56/76 (73.68 %)remaining records on maps |
pulse . Shanks .!3/4 (75.00 %)remaining records on maps |
厶$mア»20+Runner〢sv11/14 (78.57 %)remaining records on maps |
#U.1.L. Constantin4/5 (80.00 %)remaining records on maps |
Lαυяeиš8/10 (80.00 %)remaining records on maps |
leandagu'5/6 (83.33 %)remaining records on maps |
Geri6/7 (85.71 %)remaining records on maps |
expert / JaviFlyer8/9 (88.89 %)remaining records on maps |
PlastoToTheFucking rex60/67 (89.55 %)remaining records on maps |
92BOB54/60 (90.00 %)remaining records on maps |
הѕс» kidmadsi «Јғғ23/25 (92.00 %)remaining records on maps |
Ťfς -|:::» Mizu25/26 (96.15 %)remaining records on maps |
вωѕт» MkN.45/46 (97.83 %)remaining records on maps |
Maps with the most removed records within Top 10 world skip
Calculated by taking the affected maps and then checking every login if they had a change on this map.
Map | Count | Removed records by | Before | After |
BayB4CiC_mlGNS7sEVGFcFppEskFn8of |
9 |
DesertA5q1N7wa2TmNz_QmG3QZfm5DMmsY |
8 |
DesertB2L5XJzuLfS8eTsyDv2okLFT5EmYh |
8 |
SnowB29HahRrBoTxsV0XcodW9_vPShgIg |
8 |
DesertB1RPJZdVvNCRcC7sNYZ0pcFzJUC0a |
7 |
DesertB3pwvOUneeZupb8gXmSzxIvcQfGZj |
7 |
RallyB28IVaoPt_RUtEvKn4bwqLxIWZvK0 |
7 |
BayB3UMbXb6QFLSK7htbk1wFeUIwq113 |
7 |
SnowB1yLDCGWXRY2t6AR0iyCfXrOm9iai |
7 |
SnowC1iLrDjHss2EsvnWpo7u4pWqK_NGc |
7 |
StarDesertA2okTq5pBQIYJwuBK0PX74VlBTv |
7 |
StarBayB4aFlYNJ73GRniCj6BsK7_voBTv |
7 |
StarSnowB3KTpKZj1RG5074hwLY0B0olBTv |
7 |
StarSnowB5cI4X9uTt6rvMr86yrCq_PnBTv |
7 |
PuzzleB1h3RjhN9psRESFAR245yHsgBAjn1 |
7 |
IslandA55qigQIX0mBqHUtFQ5rHC5h5SZ47 |
6 |
DesertA1fN8oFawm1KTGkVXFEDIcT0z1oC2 |
6 |
DesertB4j6acnHdHyOJfeRXKiKKlRBvwPX5 |
6 |
RallyA5H33E9Yhc75mHQfdhIN1JD9D2Jef |
6 |
BayA5drNAv9wcBw_ZISm84dtDjF1qJl5 |
6 |
SnowB4GBnhBkg8xkLdc7udoClIJQbLYu |
6 |
SnowD4DzKVX_DeyJfsl_fNAeJAmnVnzLl |
6 |
PuzzleC2Q7aSd41bNZeRhVM_3ovx5F9dr0l |
6 |
StarIslandA2kAQ9D5ayJVTfBkkwhMrp3nBTv |
6 |
StarDesertA1adcOywoO4nEdbGZkVQ7xWoBTv |
6 |
StarRallyA23wNfO8ECieQhT9vnaMZejoBTv |
6 |
StarRallyA52tHm2xNzFZzFg3MxVgT5MmBTv |
6 |
StarBayA5bSaSuh3UCUNv3u8Twq94UnBTv |
6 |
IslandA1BFLkfRWgOLoqhmFoGQmcIpMG7f3 |
5 |
IslandA4dMUhOtUAj1XhssvIJn5hrTEslX4 |
5 |
IslandB4gsBKhcmvnVITHRaTGRdnFUhTj0l |
5 |
IslandB5bg9z0E_7QY8vwYVEQBssRBH6Knd |
5 |
DesertA2ohcKygytqGuu0cbIkMyqh8EAXJ1 |
5 |
DesertC18SebSPNUFIajLWymNFZHZkW2Xnh |
5 |
DesertC2IGfT1x5wHxLcPyfntC5moemN39h |
5 |
DesertC4PxxR0F6ELbXIi7tp6gxRYgWZmBf |
5 |
DesertD2spjUHBBBwxXbmz9t28dvsg0Mjsd |
5 |
RallyA2QRoBVUTGMNIuxqK0ktZeWVmi3B9 |
5 |
RallyA3Y4fLtLANTRLAb60CaSamoKcsiUh |
5 |
RallyB3IrF1y5XyYYHCKCXW9O3Ppm3Z2Rj |
5 |
RallyB4FvtjVC7UGq5iukJ9RsNMs7wqKRi |
5 |
RallyC1r8BgTLVQvpc97avfjSnWFkymRcd |
5 |
RallyC2invHcwznN0lhX1knqKoh8NWT5Im |
5 |
RallyD5i2cGu9Hw2EZhce2V6ELEPNWAHfd |
5 |
BayA26buhcEyIPyS_xoKlt8OQKiGjY5k |
5 |
5 |
5 |
BayC4BEVHXBWkNy4Fd7SukIPneaNhMwf |
5 |
CoastB2Tqp8shDKD9YxdZpd_mGI387ysN9 |
5 |
SnowB3TATIyxp9q1kHD8s2euKBksYPm07 |
5 |
SnowB5KOlYpZNGUTAevOQ7KXh5yw3LEr5 |
5 |
PuzzleB2n09EjiZGyHo17zi2mFkwWNsYz54 |
5 |
B09-Acrobatict6kPFNQiJTm3rFqjGRGHBxwZOkd |
5 |
StarRallyA1e1qEkKPFJpXrH7eqegAx3pBTv |
5 |
StarRallyA4dPcPOWHgjlfaBZDlihCn8nBTv |
5 |
StarBayA1kr7mDJdLG6CQGP5b0ZIqMoBTv |
5 |
StarBayA4RfeSAGADSKRByT8i280OUoBTv |
5 |
StarSnowA229yQnGcMXUSh1aqaFtzGnoBTv |
5 |
StarIslandB1h10RAyPOAEtvKMOX0nt4plBTv |
5 |
5 |
BayC5SWHPkY4p7qEBMS11Wwh551OnyCj |
5 |
SnowC4Vo9x9JGDFROJM8uYNRmcaBw3N54 |
5 |
StarIslandA4tc5ys2J8K98qX4Ef1AwbYkBTv |
5 |
StarIslandB5Z0E82AKRiAkN7zp8vhtnTnBTv |
5 |
StarRallyC3Dzm1FHZ8CZVNmrwCAESbRlBTv |
5 |
4 |
IslandB1cNVFIz24Lp6zvxlOURjU5Hfi8hb |
4 |
IslandB3feAvIdvjrzDL8f8wBgVZzs7auSh |
4 |
IslandC1rX5YyKmUiPBmyvzj34hWdrVWrK2 |
4 |
IslandC25RLV0JFiEknMWSoLfOP93JXoJe1 |
4 |
DesertA30rJOhZ9owlrbpzdn4kuyDUzwBWd |
4 |
DesertA4irSjbm9UWTVfcaMZm3HlLg5Gewc |
4 |
DesertD5JtMRm7HqtomW8t2740PyBx3t5fk |
4 |
RallyA1SjKnJSYPsFPur7GiG0pIou3Q934 |
4 |
RallyA4_qHnykwSFw9fN41US14CwO6Hxb5 |
4 |
RallyB5GvlexZR0shOTxSdgiKlYKMDo8F |
4 |
RallyC3wbUzUoCydZTCoXv14oqOTsZmLSl |
4 |
RallyC4OXJ6oNACOvUHwOciVadq4awfvi3 |
4 |
RallyC58Sp6qCSx5GcIpyoEG7TXegPJPN4 |
4 |
RallyD1O8hVBuqe_BaccF_1lHx4ppFjwtc |
4 |
RallyD2xgK3TtJnAIdaJtutIObAtLVO87l |
4 |
RallyETJy6I8JPU0IWevSoeZ53ursgBXe |
4 |
BayA4owjlOUpiUQ3FqK16PNGAOUrT5x9 |
4 |
BayB2GlFei54b57sePj9a4uB7hGxtQfi |
4 |
BayC28l4cVTumajf1li2xZDF3QyfRGQ9 |
4 |
BayC3jJvxTMLeMW4JxWSTQsoS2ksxCBd |
4 |
BayD4DxIxSLl1P8K2dO9DUEvU4KPqrz5 |
4 |
CoastA1Q5O8JTSrfBj_Sho4UEppipNn1lm |
4 |
CoastC3NvVnDYzN6enW1XTeDNObyTw4TWe |
4 |
SnowA5ds921J29OfPhk6uzPKAu7j6DUca |
4 |
SnowD2vSqn4Hur9pfZHqRpZipsXstbeAa |
4 |
PuzzleA3myAlqzQFGbnGnTsVaA8DjgKfs50 |
4 |
PuzzleA5iA_AXQiic7eWk5lcxUqaWs5xKO4 |
4 |
A06-Obstaclesyko1DvAxleoVlqMsc1sJzqbt66 |
4 |
StarDesertA3VaQOxUs5cTV4da6h0T0HJkBTv |
4 |
StarDesertA4Tj2Ag_aoSquS4sIu4C_82kBTv |
4 |
StarDesertA5uIyTA3k8SJCI_aG21nkvinBTv |
4 |
StarRallyA3VXHPINSW3dQwi00lfsWSYjBTv |
4 |
StarBayA2LwaVJtKStk8XyO7xbRtyKlBTv |
4 |
StarSnowA3K90PPWhvPbRJ2vPoFGBIqmBTv |
4 |
StarSnowA4QOgbAWiFMTK9IAQlNiMqfnBTv |
4 |
StarIslandB2C6bl0VEVaQrGuVYaXQ1YooBTv |
4 |
StarDesertB1qAAOoJKlM09FEAnc4dfH7nBTv |
4 |
StarDesertB2yRpMtv4BrAklfIGWg4qRjnBTv |
4 |
StarRallyB1XyFheEVU8yfrtwnGXwno3oBTv |
4 |
StarRallyB3gPHzZKgsOpmkePKtD04L0mBTv |
4 |
StarBayB1CQ2PIIyKp7O4bP5yaHyqhoBTv |
4 |
StarBayB2fXCXaS8UhHLJ8qw_WG7lblBTv |
4 |
StarCoastB1ptGkFmJ5MFBPt9eWY26BDjBTv |
4 |
StarSnowB4wLLwkRUFNgeFO7sFvdoqflBTv |
4 |
StarIslandC1e9Py641ZrvotAbGSK9pONnBTv |
4 |
StarDesertC3rcdTucdO_hvVsSfjl8h6DmBTv |
4 |
StarDesertC579PnvJ0Ws3v3WYeUF444PnBTv |
4 |
StarRallyC1Dp8MdJwaL4wQgRGWCgAKBoBTv |
4 |
StarSnowC1qGttswKaH2VpKvA_mANv0lBTv |
4 |
StarSnowC2bjtZsoSsXznt1Fcs8Lhv8oBTv |
4 |
StarSnowC4lrgpxj0gIdYIBsxAMjA6smBTv |
4 |
StarSnowD1Dc_8iX_ixaVCosuKcVkwrnBTv |
4 |
IslandC4X6CxBL5bSBGhWXmhzLdEsiEcPSa |
4 |
SnowA2eZoARW46f9HTlWtrNweTNUHzVba |
4 |
SnowC3pwVSn8op8_yKKyIVZrurBNUxk71 |
4 |
SnowD1cc1SDaOom8g_XB8_KtAbN1ax96e |
4 |
PuzzleB4MCN4X2bvMot0C3p3umH1JMXcNsm |
4 |
StarIslandA1GNE9S0_CSvqFb9hNKbtAVjBTv |
4 |
StarSnowA1aquMpFX94YP_D0y3L4eYJlBTv |
4 |
StadiumA4Eh81Raowv4vxF9gKQ6g5DA5kNA6 |
3 |
IslandA2cCky5HvrsCNjBYwdAm06DGf3F1e |
3 |
IslandA3tGOCtEIitr7u8GGshFsat_0hAZ2 |
3 |
IslandB2lHQPPQZ4w7SBegPPiJCu11Tyg8m |
3 |
IslandD2E7XQEP4oT4qP8NYeOn81YPYgEO5 |
3 |
DesertB5VeFqtdTr0cmH4KtM5mSiBzLZ3B0 |
3 |
DesertC3RAREa_O26jy7ijEp9WjBEuXz9_d |
3 |
DesertD1JD3rNOcd_zztFZUDLIRYHBw2fSi |
3 |
DesertD3H5kJQMsdXjB_FUX9g6HliH872kj |
3 |
DesertEtQLFM7pwSGUrtbgKG73cRHptng2 |
3 |
RallyB16_anVkrO2thrW95MPMnMryaSMQa |
3 |
RallyD4Fx99sI7vtJL_xewqzNYVV9Tp6Wd |
3 |
BayC1xnVb_5H4zM7LrTmwlqSu7I89WIm |
3 |
BayD1iAMrEREtlhtVQlsGNYdAD0uU3P8 |
3 |
CoastA2sHrP4F_Hft__4t7Lxn3KGNApRBf |
3 |
CoastA3BIhWR1XVwqtBYsdBXfazoK0zGU |
3 |
CoastB1fLRpPpLnhinpKmtaUaC00jQ5e5e |
3 |
CoastB3vAp79h7b9B49CUKl1RPJH4u6dY6 |
3 |
CoastB47mZGrks3D3ZG_likA2X25_v2bb4 |
3 |
CoastC1GeY0_507YZXNhgEQfhYI7i_aCLd |
3 |
CoastC5oYCwfKgUWfhx0ZiT3H0zp78Csf8 |
3 |
SnowD3NvKB_hLYO2yRdh1fkUlhdHuhpua |
3 |
SnowD5lHyjPIxLIk3uV07EflGjdl81Y60 |
3 |
PuzzleB5dOSsB2D7X_t5G6j2HXAnmaN70c6 |
3 |
A02-RaceJwKdDsOUh4L9_eYyRsdiA2o1fW1 |
3 |
StarIslandA31lvmAa2NLyFT6cK86gQkQmBTv |
3 |
StarBayA3g38zMXQCpltzeDcpeSydVoBTv |
3 |
StarCoastA129AypX2vFiOvC0IkBPFTvkBTv |
3 |
StarCoastA24SLq8VE0QHxxtCIfE4pVpnBTv |
3 |
StarCoastA34Dz6ZEy6HbwcX4F8qlJe_oBTv |
3 |
StarCoastA4pV6mslW546fDHTZ72lDXvlBTv |
3 |
StarCoastA5wjr116mOp1Hi4ZX9kRvgZjBTv |
3 |
StarIslandB4UQyva4Pgup9UyGlVgZsmvoBTv |
3 |
StarDesertB35E5D8zUKaMpCyOIA9q2LKjBTv |
3 |
StarDesertB5mc858krr1_qCSZdXaaljolBTv |
3 |
StarBayB3Oy9pmBzcrlnpEhoJgsxHGkBTv |
3 |
StarBayB5ilOyCXZ4__JpwONTnYrq8pBTv |
3 |
StarSnowB2KlGhoLBh9RRCN5mHQjyFDoBTv |
3 |
StarIslandC21lW0YrtuxyVtO9IuwX9RikBTv |
3 |
StarDesertC4CNUhGNmDTwAXS3ktMTZz0oBTv |
3 |
StarRallyC2VzZPj5sibE_u82ZR398ehoBTv |
3 |
StarRallyC4aAcr2w35dJQtItRMqbX5mlBTv |
3 |
StarBayC1hWLj9KqSk2mfCsWh2TyBGjBTv |
3 |
StarSnowC3Qnaz31rrRTESdTCVdzbmVmBTv |
3 |
StarIslandD49klShdwhwL44lB4IqRtJ5lBTv |
3 |
StarDesertD1oYQ_JF25q8veiwzk13APrkBTv |
3 |
StarDesertD2wV2Bys8xxZO4mpXjgGPXznBTv |
3 |
StarDesertD3BgCm4lL1tsfc6uMn6Br8VoBTv |
3 |
StarRallyD49yZRlTGyMRTakfkrS1BaXlBTv |
3 |
StarBayD3jam2XJVORwbwPwKNTiU4hkBTv |
3 |
StarSnowD23JfTNhl1tumdK0spXPvGAoBTv |
3 |
StarRallyEqtqdaJhhiOxfblvDUlL7doBTv |
3 |
CoastD2zgHD7z4InE2dnZuMUu5ZiZ6TJOh |
3 |
SnowC2PMjgzPR2XKuSf_xqJGs8fESdjI7 |
3 |
3 |
PuzzleD1tqdQb5twvuGCYm4FjCcKrPR5Bna |
3 |
PuzzleD50S6aVMKPv51IpON3nQlBfrTxSzl |
3 |
StarIslandA5NlpwRGBYDGBBfdhfg0p3TjBTv |
3 |
StarIslandB3agyVQciT3p6rv2PmbQUjqmBTv |
3 |
StarStadiumC1XVBP4d4Eu0N4fXZcvkWkemBTv |
3 |
StarIslandC4eDoEleCePqTct37Isn4PUoBTv |
3 |
StarCoastC2Ffq3VUpAPZzZaEC5csA4JlBTv |
3 |
StarCoastC4xKtCoHrXl0c1LRoixlOdOmBTv |
3 |
StarCoastC576p2n8IocjPPFZnjEMBP6kBTv |
3 |
StarBayD1l5naYY7aSDKi9LCamz3sJoBTv |
3 |
StarBayD4t96T45KCj7QopfjUw7NKHkBTv |
3 |
StarCoastD1AhXc_3kKJhWk9rPGq0ygclBTv |
3 |
StarCoastD4xLZeJpclWgAHAQrnUCWmgmBTv |
3 |
A04-AcrobaticSEHmwPJVBl3NpHS56w6Sirac2Ic |
3 |
StadiumA14kQ_0mHdJtnSdsQty9ZX0W8SDb1 |
2 |
StadiumB2jwkqslQXaAKq4pvLWVHGnVzPute |
2 |
StadiumB3hm4BM_c3sqpI2qzgX2vR9acvTj4 |
2 |
StadiumC3q0ljLrLGWogdntNr85I4UrwPsLf |
2 |
IslandC3Acogr0IIF6bqJv5jjlINxw8aZp0 |
2 |
IslandD4ST387vLgNaX4HbasZzXruPq3kzh |
2 |
IslandD5PTOfMzMx8Sdrk4by2lJFqf9vtJl |
2 |
DesertC5caTwVpFAdA_PzLEpmAdPe02lg53 |
2 |
DesertD4OyBGZZYhTTS2srBwVwR8xpB7g19 |
2 |
RallyD3F82aQO8FVuDKGxXptO3hO0_eby8 |
2 |
BayA1KK8GilfJAgzqG_NFkyls9TAGiO3 |
2 |
BayB5qtW6yA7T424zfXZifFRVN3HD2om |
2 |
BayD2sfe9vjSKIyMyt21Ye1US9fO3d2f |
2 |
BayD3gMvY9waBx_B9YPu7zWQIBTKWG5l |
2 |
BayD5RJHi5c19gnBFZIdz1GLLOXHYobi |
2 |
BayEkZtq8ip2iZTf56GZjaICYoaqvc0 |
2 |
CoastA4pq8JuF3BUsitoTundl5RYn8wEPk |
2 |
CoastA5eG13RWHwWYtEMXSSreS6zr6vDH2 |
2 |
CoastC43La8ljzEpqE3uTnTaA4VBHn9xP3 |
2 |
CoastD4xiWyJq6r22r_a3XDLOHabPPuRN1 |
2 |
SnowA3d9Vhi2RP6n5uodtvG_Xr9ELK5E1 |
2 |
SnowA4U9x197ObY3pRRnIPXU4DPaERPG9 |
2 |
A01-RaceBeySZdnfuSh4nHY5xztiXLmlrXe |
2 |
A03-RacemWxQhvvPOoNfPaq18j3dokLqyO7 |
2 |
A15-SpeeddJQvN8hB18o3SXNl897MOShzZQ5 |
2 |
B01-Race8oDWqaNMXpyFg6e_QUb07Wzpkk3 |
2 |
B05-RaceR2W9o_MsXRP2PNp46stzmMWkgHb |
2 |
B10-Speedo7StLUfi3bsutUxdOjQgsOO6p_m |
2 |
B13-ObstacleNxUOXF2VDOHaOyrYlD9p81Gnfp3 |
2 |
D03-AcrobaticKvPlXufFJaLjDGSRP1rcregOaX3 |
2 |
D04-Raceh1doGRJ46hAGF3AeCJPsPHE_Vb2 |
2 |
StarStadiumA3nQMI2UfSkOxlYE53FIMNRoBTv |
2 |
StarStadiumA45O2K6qTTiPuugppqOphTCnBTv |
2 |
StarStadiumA511x2PvUBlv_Un36OhyEBGnBTv |
2 |
StarSnowA57oPPSFN65ztMYcP9888b2nBTv |
2 |
StarDesertB4wNbjq2vXh9oulAdHLoHnKoBTv |
2 |
StarRallyB2FZ4zmlto2EC7tiuT6kcZvoBTv |
2 |
StarRallyB4vywvl4awlVIEG0igNAujUkBTv |
2 |
StarCoastB2pOsKNGa3n4z1pqGEdIuYynBTv |
2 |
StarStadiumC2l8jfYtvy5J62SaspsIYIklBTv |
2 |
StarStadiumC3iCMK5tSxqTQMtWukn0uhukBTv |
2 |
StarIslandC5fd5G1QS8LJhRMoJqYqPI2kBTv |
2 |
StarDesertC10nc0IdhoG_h_v0CrNw4A4mBTv |
2 |
StarDesertC2BtTTYjSQfLMOk1QqqK9vVlBTv |
2 |
StarSnowC5jDQXRe3PBi6kQBMSSpqfcnBTv |
2 |
StarDesertD5UUrhqiovGv9mHYVGwY4aWlBTv |
2 |
StarRallyD1u_94ocKB5rIR4bmDklKPdkBTv |
2 |
StarBayEJJSAHdK790FdZRf1qNqLlmBTv |
2 |
CoastC2A2NzvnUxz0wb4gmqZtv67lw9SM3 |
2 |
CoastD1M_41NAd0ZJ7rZGdAyilpaA_l84c |
2 |
CoastD5zsGreGIjoEJioRna4Ca2LnVffL7 |
2 |
SnowA1QlVUCrLbaN03PZBwhNJQyeuAevg |
2 |
PuzzleC1_ZglVxaoPgyPXEiIXKgRUaJDxo8 |
2 |
PuzzleC3wMo6EU8pU_cbiaEVKzlNMEswjmj |
2 |
PuzzleC4IvLz9Z0LRVgfxCnPmQA3sec33i4 |
2 |
PuzzleC5ZC8AqeF8Hpy2FZQf3I7hFiCW2bj |
2 |
PuzzleD27EqOQL8FJixv0FX9W_UzjEUxxn5 |
2 |
2 |
PuzzleEMlpu0iPVjm29W_xpxVPw2xc3Kla |
2 |
StarStadiumB1yZD0WHwXIQvOvU2xlCwGCnBTv |
2 |
StarRallyB5W6adUlTTUz53RpQB7LNtulBTv |
2 |
StarCoastB4Pj_QgMfn4gDe3GHLvR9ePoBTv |
2 |
StarCoastB5VzlM6crF5nucgffWRHxlCmBTv |
2 |
StarRallyC5CLuUBc3pn6Zayyv09hpnYnBTv |
2 |
StarBayC54Aq7G4YhU0yllDqPkqZ6slBTv |
2 |
StarCoastC3u5BMWHKNiItMla5akKkAymBTv |
2 |
StarIslandD1MNpMPzijQlRuJ2P_tWoUfmBTv |
2 |
StarIslandD3gznQvg8XEA5HLUy3QAbGNmBTv |
2 |
StarIslandD581wWkeQt9o86GjiRsW7mClBTv |
2 |
StarBayD2p11x2DPAkeKq36qv7YiuhkBTv |
2 |
StarCoastD3XU9CNEZoswNawRjWJSs_llBTv |
2 |
StarCoastD5rtgeGjEvgNpejXPTB86zzlBTv |
2 |
StarDesertEyxjhXVaQi1EF_Ic4481uDkBTv |
2 |
StadiumA2u8WV4GNAj7tJe22gwcseGtPNP1n |
2 |
A09-RaceTteOqSjrhVsdjZYAaLuGBWX2a4c |
2 |
B07-RaceNdajMtuuXvuxhfGkye4Om8wUXYi |
2 |
B12-Racep4PhXsVTp7NhVmhSLZXeJjrFahe |
2 |
StarStadiumA1fBdoqZeNGUWmQN_BtkfXjnBTv |
2 |
PuzzleA4roE9wTDLbZ7weH1n_4AEchFaHug |
2 |
PuzzleB3Xha9e6XGGHvV0cJBBFEFuBE8Xd0 |
2 |
StadiumA5TGQmmc6MHpqlt5gzl9LkEfzsCB9 |
1 |
StadiumB1AJr0WOWFNr16GgPR5gATk0FaR4c |
1 |
StadiumB4LiSj9Js5kM4erXyCy8ez6l4cQej |
1 |
StadiumB5dVAqPX0DEuox0R7Z3qcX4N0gvD8 |
1 |
StadiumC43uxg8E_RaZSQezPhykAveG3tH_6 |
1 |
StadiumD1Jy1iY548W5lQ1wUZxi4QdWcUJig |
1 |
A11-RaceN0CpLabOm8Kk6Lsf0kwelgHiMQm |
1 |
A14-Race6ktPCqLADXXuy5LaOLTzktaGlKf |
1 |
B02-Raceb4ubJL0Aayrg7aqhe0RwI4jBQR1 |
1 |
C01-RaceeDgWjoKe2dT3GfoTCGCmI_qMvfk |
1 |
C03-Acrobaticc4oQLgleEPkNtehypwdYXTkmVvi |
1 |
C06-Speedfwj7Gn1nSQ_8qx6MPUtzAfHngTj |
1 |
C07-RacePLVn84D8NoVGjidP1pLafZP8qA8 |
1 |
C08-ObstacleHb_oIOr6Y4_I3aoMogsTPufz8hl |
1 |
C09-Race9MOwoNkpYZhw8e99cxFI3hVZrvi |
1 |
D07-RacebRZJ7Wn3QyftteDpbnIYlrcEqp9 |
1 |
D08-SpeedRgXELEylfSWdjQG_XiiTFVkYi99 |
1 |
D15-Enduranceq9ETZ0R5yClf_9wDxsPI41gO6V6 |
1 |
E01-ObstacletURAqsuKtDsCV7B0bWEszBV78Re |
1 |
StadiumD5rE2zbgLaeB7aCoSpRXqm8Q62rXk |
1 |
IslandC5byoRiBrftGh9sL6SpqGpKxH2h8m |
1 |
IslandD1A7s5IpC7XfDWknn1PXKKBKCD2W1 |
1 |
IslandD3rK_OGHHTE9GdMqSpPBOqvkjleq5 |
1 |
IslandEcwggfRlLkPBFbxxzxwxHK6cCWN0 |
1 |
CoastB5XcbwzBasWroMvTUMoGfWEZZXnvc |
1 |
CoastD3ElhoPK8FejcTArBcbzzhROSCm9 |
1 |
SnowE88z4rJMMroX4vqAglWRxpUt9Oa |
1 |
B06-ObstacleSZHG1tFsmJLJInUsruGgREWsFq1 |
1 |
D09-Obstacleka5WLGb0IrqZ1L7fVb6dXHNTWF0 |
1 |
StarStadiumA2FSYCKM0xm0JIu4gpFvAhulBTv |
1 |
StarStadiumB3wSAgc88hthT4Qr5RoXExRoBTv |
1 |
StarCoastB3edRL8cobDY9MfvuWp54mhmBTv |
1 |
StarIslandC3tc5JQllokBOsI6pono7bznBTv |
1 |
StarBayC2ulWK0JezwYWQRJDM3bvhfnBTv |
1 |
StarBayC3qMlNS_ZasBmlpsfTc12IXkBTv |
1 |
StarBayC4RnMucUpTlpzy4pYdYaxM1mBTv |
1 |
StarCoastC1jjJf1EeCKtbh3ft6y_5IqkBTv |
1 |
StarIslandD2SZ5oJrGE2ORE3vHj_kBK_oBTv |
1 |
StarDesertD4gWZQDSx9XpnxHI8v8Id9koBTv |
1 |
StarRallyD2zVkeJfyiJ964hEd6tZGZxmBTv |
1 |
StarRallyD3HPVMnGBc0TwZrprsv0DY7kBTv |
1 |
StarRallyD5OjVkXR6dzy9pomHX_SqtBkBTv |
1 |
StarBayD5WvsfZBTOdlt8c8dPyHywImBTv |
1 |
StarCoastD2udEJbnc4YK_lDyP2SNUt7lBTv |
1 |
StarSnowD3FxliwrIlTfv6cq7HfYuI7pBTv |
1 |
StarSnowD40eD3goDyV1Wn40jXlyfe_pBTv |
1 |
StarSnowD5o3IYkKNY8UerIa3E_5cRvkBTv |
1 |
StarIslandEf3LfD9KzINoDhftLXkAZSoBTv |
1 |
StarCoastEWAV5WelALkOyHI2EnuJHdmBTv |
1 |
StarSnowEmyGS8Wfs7D1nJ3JJYTaN1lBTv |
1 |
A10-AcrobaticjH8X3qPtpn6pj3dLAaq08pyDdp1 |
1 |
A13-RaceK27AW3HYV47qqqXentunIoUERu8 |
1 |
B04-AcrobaticOfPhGxBSu5zHgl3GsndJGGens8k |
1 |
B11-RaceRVEoquUninLI8FqVo_ZCo4lr5X9 |
1 |
B14-Speedbx9QX_lcEZ0IIGKXeYOw3lWqBXh |
1 |
D11-AcrobaticyQULZVxaNxr7tFlNXr9SdOVA6l3 |
1 |
StadiumC23QBb5EgTVuUNhnDrizNJmi4K4Ii |
1 |
StuntB2_nX6dQGfW5cIXaBh5PzmngNrd67 |
1 |
PuzzleA1_pqADDWXn6nWH32zwc1TomwHc40 |
1 |
PuzzleA2yvzhDoVGCyZhoOweE6hBN8FZ_V7 |
1 |
PuzzleD37olYAPOPYQH3Pl574FiiqUUfjM1 |
1 |
StarStadiumC5o6z9iB2DbcCfl9ceU05qDoBTv |
1 |
B15-RaceX_uZrnyHg_3HuqP9oWEkg2pNh5c |
1 |
C02-RacehlRjJEZGm0yr1sT91CtdIwmqsti |
1 |
StarStadiumC427uUEaLDHd3VS75OFVcXqlBTv |
1 |
Unaffected maps within Top 10 world skip
Calculated by taking all official maps and substracting the list of affected maps.
83/422 (19.67 %) top 10 world leaderboards have not been affected.
- StadiumC1 5lSunHjU4j0twFNK7MQNP5FOp3m
- StadiumC5 Yv5PKpzZhwTSFpKPeitsjsgDTJ1
- StadiumD2 w6QxL8QkmzuC7zUeQ9lfzlGFX92
- StadiumD3 ZQu1Y0CVPbrHrXlTupqwz6F7CQi
- StadiumD4 xm4qMVhLEiq35ZyzMf6vMudIwxi
- StadiumE QYolmOMD2GrKJ3QtS62rQWV8JOg
- CoastE lcZ8DIjysyTwNQ0vE1CWTvHgWI6
- PlatformA1 oy9pI5AzV1t5xYBbyvFv9bvt8L6
- PlatformA2 VBfDSDk__bbWWse_plDxVeyzLq6
- PlatformA3 wrz0kJHsEPvRErJaIwhSX0v6nhc
- PlatformA4 Ab74NOd4nraGtGSixO1SM1y1wC5
- PlatformA5 l74mZQmLd_YeuJwBCMO1vigF1Y2
- PlatformB1 jr6s69qYX6xTycbz8CVHggW9Yjd
- PlatformB2 8R83UP0vTy9jm3pjLGg2EnxSt_e
- PlatformB3 9Axwf_MNsxfi4RuyKfrXbggKEz1
- PlatformB4 KI02oxkTgVtyqktVUV0VhLFk0ah
- PlatformB5 1WJlgUR2kOkr1YLdUWkpzK8JFuf
- PlatformC1 mf4Zi3HeWKRiZxYvNuZznXyzLX2
- PlatformC2 ECdJyV4HPOhlLiU4YAsClW_U6l0
- PlatformC3 JNV_fc0Kvr_Ypn2dZAUrXN3iR0d
- PlatformC4 jQye0X1Sm1EHlb1PHLiPxJ6zsI6
- PlatformC5 VbBe4RyfG4Bqr8nQw19DjIxeoHb
- PlatformD1 KQN7IBuaG11WeTmtqgbGICO1iBd
- PlatformD2 oO6RJatxgJ1c0iQps6bdgGzuTZb
- PlatformD3 KCuF3QXfxGa_Wttc12oPH6htI2m
- PlatformD4 hbzSxlrUqjzGFUhgrSM6iafB1Kl
- PlatformD5 nlBHAwNvJKzCtK7JvJLPU7dHe47
- PlatformE Q6UgQE5m9SCyrlc1Id0q9oUm4Ph
- StuntA1 7OwvyziKkRFvMawvFRxFKTShuZc
- StuntA2 ixaEGIoJZtI8wGJSxNJpOSJhgOf
- StuntA3 ggzgw7BLPTicuzhVdJ2FZ_kuiS8
- StuntA4 tBAxMpglNoMF9weVv6gZRXWWpJ2
- StuntA5 sXKlZKzXcb4k5A7qzYP2zsabM_5
- StuntB1 DxgpaEXllisSgx9UNzO_0l0A1i3
- StuntB3 HDyDEus9s3W6PrPF343mR1UfP8g
- StuntB4 zj6cbv7u4euFm9dbupYupkdYT61
- StuntB5 Fnwj4XR5xyPNWj3ANtoTdKIArJh
- StuntC1 V74Exu12wdcWQ9uM8aXdDvoPe89
- StuntC2 50tndNIQsgbqvUBkZbbr36kdHHe
- StuntC3 03ufa6CukZPNsQIWjf2ROQLVubi
- StuntC4 36hb7pWuzLamJzWOKIPmu0P3owh
- StuntC5 UdM7aRiXJ0wnIV8VwrjWzKAlb8h
- StuntD1 fBHr1oWZhY4kVEU3nhwkJfCT_A3
- StuntD2 xmo3KvUsB74LlOkQ9E2F7PIuLd3
- StuntD3 NJSGdur7fytqLMEo_kgr61FNbI4
- StuntD4 dizVaot6NWqdIHrJi3IpHFfAHu5
- StuntD5 pJS9sWRWpV01wIlseKCMnucDazg
- StuntE1 q0GQTB4wGqB9Hh3NMOPjMTe8yKl
- A05-Race I7rI7jAga6C4tGAe5OTDoyLF2fh
- A07-Race KzeBzLOI62lxu3haZCPFn_4BfD6
- A08-Endurance KDBPTuNkrZG6jMxuRqmDBbLjfp6
- A12-Speed zwAbNlFSDcXjRBk0YSMyxc5kJJ8
- B03-Race HIH70OwdsvC7ZX_oKOWhwqDITx2
- B08-Endurance u8RcNHvafbeKfHcNvgye0uq_jpb
- C04-Race yWy7ROt2lgk2zL44HKdBgUjuthi
- C05-Endurance UR7xWwTkMeFB2kqVLVVOGDBCKFb
- C10-Acrobatic XYiTfAdultrTWVJpjl_Bdnf7x4l
- C11-Race npRjhClGPZMs_YK_T5yUrnWY0q9
- C12-Obstacle znbgMZayw8uBByLWqc6kYsEfG6l
- C13-Race qxHe8iBNC2soNhkOoOvEKDkxZ58
- C14-Endurance uuGCAivChymPBU6TAHp6qIKSoR4
- C15-Speed n4QZfCzSzwMxsY2ILHFUEEipjtg
- D01-Endurance E0ZXX6DbQ1wZXMiLYW77zgjFcB9
- D02-Race r7OqCgR3yODNwmJcPGyUafJKRAh
- D05-Race iDnUBYbFhfD0QIPmIyRvy1UIw_0
- D06-Obstacle Twnk9iISEER4KYGY8bfPffK5BU5
- D10-Race icDiiqPi3EljXk49VJ6WUl0LQzb
- D12-Speed DceckSvMpluYYGHaEeALei6A4tf
- D13-Race vKf7eiC82A343d7TpKyMS52Ddyc
- D14-Endurance vIIX52BcNOt86BJ1NrZq6_bJir5
- E02-Endurance FW0uBAWV9d_9K9Dl2ZTYMn6iJHd
- E03-Endurance DTq2M5w_EKfxPgXLRJ29kHndMYj
- E04-Obstacle xedOkArRfmIHfm9VFnKrLsOQ4hd
- E05-Endurance eMBnCjky7WmlP9G0R9xOrNFQV7c
- StarStadiumB2 EYX0rR3x3qnFJEXSfMSowkBTv
- StarStadiumB4 h8J6KIkrmPuon77jtgVOFjBTv
- StarStadiumB5 pqRuCNcdBEeUdn4J2I118mBTv
- StarStadiumD1 vV6ziogi3gi1Cw1XXEM7flBTv
- StarStadiumD2 q1VLVycOHgq2H5lNec8rblBTv
- StarStadiumD3 ykST6FO2x3FGg3KuqZ3xpnBTv
- StarStadiumD4 dRborbpSnyS7ZLAj5FcPTnBTv
- StarStadiumD5 nOXEND6Pfe5qExl33USGUoBTv
- StarStadiumE EvqBKBBf_Abzu7jtY18z1pBTv
Data accuracy reminder
The tables have been only measured from the Top 10 world leaderboards. All of these are only the minimal values of the changes that have been done. I've also downloaded 1.6GB of leaderboard data of all available zones from the two investigated days to be later analyzed.
Nadeo developers and the master server itself know way more than we do. These statistics came from the data that clients (we) receive. If Nadeo will say any details regarding the leaderboard cleanup may or may not be seen, but as Hylis said on his Twitter:
...we will avoid to disclose more information as it is best for anticheat development.